Claims with prior injuries and treatments require a trained medical professional to review the chart records.




Medical records chronology

Advanced Practice Clinician (APC) review and indexing of all medical events related to the claims at issue. The Medical Chronology is a concise and informative overview of the claimant’s medical history. Attorneys often have a lot of medical records but lack time and exposure. Attorneys can use the Medical Chronology to learn what happened to the patient and what the merit of the case is. We will quickly transform thousands of pages of medical charts into a concise report that meets your time and budget requirements.


Indexing of medical charts by date/facility/provider. Table of Contents with hyperlinks connecting you to the specific date of service you wish to review. You can navigate quickly through thousands of pages of medical records, referencing back and forth with ease.

Narrative Summary

APC consultants will assist you in scrutinizing the claims and medical treatments, helping you tie together key pieces of medical information to create a running summary of the claimant’s medical history in a narrative format. The Narrative Summary briefly captures and highlights all the major events that define the course of a case. This includes diagnostic procedures, office visits and consultations, therapy visits, and other pertinent medical records. While the report focuses on injuries sustained due to the accident, we will also describe any pre-existing injuries that may have been affected due to the accident.

Medical chart audits

Detailed analysis of all medical diagnoses, ICD codes, CPT codes, and charges for each medical encounter, service, and procedure rendered to your client. Review for reasonable market value.


Trained in master’s degree level medical research, APC consultants will perform a literature review to substantiate disease processes and medical treatments, ensuring that the legal team has the most up-to-date information on standards of care.

Deposition summary

Summarization of deposition testimony into a concise summary. Analysis of key issues, fact-gathering, accurate listing and identification of exhibits in order to highlight case focus areas.

Chris, your sharp and analytic eye is amazing!
— The Dunnion Law Firm

What We've Achieved

  • Consulted on over 300 personal injury and medical malpractice cases, including large settlement cases involving Traumatic Brain Injuries, Spinal Cord Injuries, and Orthopedic Injuries.

  • Tens of thousands of pages of medical documentation indexed, analyzed, and summarized.

  • Developed custom indexing services tailored for busy attorneys and paralegals.

  • We have the industry’s fastest turn-around times without compromising on accuracy, quality, and function.